I discovered,recently, a beautiful green oasison the outskirts ofMilanwhere torun: theLambropark. Nine acres of lawns, tall trees, small streamsanda pond withducks.In the 60's, was usedforour localWoodstock; nowisa hotchpotchof dogs,withtheir owners, cyclists and runners.Afitness trail, a bowling green andagolf driving rangewithpitch and put, complete this peaceful andfree of hazardsplace. A few daysago, however,a riderhas founda strangerocketleaning against atree.Immediatelyalerteda police patrolthatwas passing by, the area has beenfenced off andthe bomb squadwere alerted. Afterthe first reportsdescribingthe bombasanAmerican rocket"air-land", but not engaged,it wasinsteaddiscovered that it wasnothing but arocket"hail protection" ....
I'm a lover of cinema. For me, watching a movie, althoughy nice, on tv, I don't like. Think of the charm of enjoying a good movie in a dark room ,without being disturbed by mobile phone, your partner that smoke the cigar next to you, in a confortable chair (not slouched on the sofa), and above all, with a giant screen and a great sound?
However, when I saw these pictures, I lost a little MAGIC of the "big cinema".
I received an email from an American Lady, with this picture attached, and with a request to make one of my portraits to her beloved little dog that, she told me proudly, won the competition for "World's Ugliest Dog of 2014".
This beautiful weekend of sun, I went to my little tiny mountains village, where there was a merry cattle fair.
All the farmers in the area, have brought their nicer cows for the competition. The animals had to do a like a fashion show in front of the jury as if they were models. Then they were measured their breasts.
In fact, the race of these cows is colled "Abondance".
On the place, there were huge agricultural machinery on display; really very nice. I loved them. It's a shame not to use them in town...
From17 to 21 Junethe UK hashosted theRoyalAscot,theequestriantournamentamong the mostimportant in the world, consideringan appointmentglamorousand trendy.
Tradition, in fact, is the "parade"ofetiquetteoutfitsandhatstoMy Fair Lady,from the most refinedin styleto the moreextravaganthigh society, includingflowers,feathers,laceand ribbons.
In Milan, the toysthat accompanychildhood, becomethe symbol of thefight againstill-treatment andto feminicide.
The installation,conceived byJo Ring, was inauguratedin themen's fashion weekand will remainduringExpo.
Latelywe are talking a lotof abuseon women.It'a very important issueandfinallythere seems to bean awarenessabout itat all levelsandeventhe judiciaryis adoptinga new protocol.
Afew days after thesuccessful launchof the English versionin London, where,in the beautiful locationof the BuddhaBar,are meetingthesocialitiesto accommodatethis newplatformthat revolutionizes theconcept of thewardrobe,My SecretDressing Roomconcludesthe test phaseandItalianis ready to conquerever moreMilan!
The idea iswinningbecause how manyof us haveclothesin the closet thatdo not putoronlyrarely,so why notrent it? SurelyI will becomeaSecretStylist(whoputson loan).Whothenwill benefitof myclothes(SecretFan), canshow offclothesof high class.The site is:www.mysdroom.com
I wason the sixteenth floorof theDiamondTower,with a splendid viewof 365degrees onmy city.The buildingwill be used forofficeshigh representation(in allsenses ...).
The restof the buildingswill befor residential use. The skylineof the areahas becomeveryfuturisticand it will bea wonderfulcalling cardfor the EXPO of next year.
TodayI came acrossthisposterthat advertiseda children's showwithTOPOGIGIO. Surelythe younger generation,andevenfewer newones, have neverheard of him. I remember him, of course.
I wasa little girl andI lovedthislittle mousewho spokeand toldgreat stories.It wasthe picture ofinnocence, trustand romance... Itscreation wasMariaPeregoin 1959. His firstpublic appearancewasbroadcastinGran Varietà,andhad the voice ofDomenicoModugno.
I followed himwhen,in 1961, he becameambassadorof the cookiesPavesiniandappearedin"Carosellol." In those daysthe childrenwere allowedto watchthe eveningCarouseland then immediatelyto bed.
Italyis a country ofsaints,poets and navigators, and I wantto talk about avery specialsaint...one of those whodoes wonders! St. Nicholas. In 1087,anaval commandostolethe relicsof the saintin Myra(whohad fallen intoTurkish hands)and took themto Bariwhere they were receivedby the crowdinjubilation;wason May 9. The bonesof the saintexudedamiraculous liquidcalled "manna"trsparenteaswaterand fragrant.Andyetthey do,sothatevery 9May, themanna isdistributed to the faithfulafter ten days ofcelebrations andis used bothas a drink,diluted with water,orput on thediseased parts.
I have just returnedto Milanfrom myAfrica and, walkingto explore thenewsof my city,I cameto the neighborhood ofPorta Vittoria.
Really fantastic!I was fascinatedby the twoskyscrapers in the"Vertical Forest"thatbelong to it.
Ashoaks,olive trees,floweringcherry and apple treeswere plantedat 106meters high. 700tall trees,5 thousand shrubs and15 thousandplants includingperennialsand vinesandflowers,will be irrigatedwitha system that usesreclaimed water.
Of course,who will buyan apartmentin one of thesetowers , must have a green thumb.....!
TodayI took a walkthrough the town centerto find outall the newsof myMilan.NowI became atourist inmy town, since I spendseveral months a yearaway, in Africa. Amongnew beautifulclothing stores of the most famous brands, and trendy barswith tablesscatteredon the sidewalk, I saw somethingthat struck me. I photographedthis strangestatuewith the phone, and got homeI checkedon the internet tolearn more.Here's what Ifound out:
The sculpture " The Man of Light" by the Spanish artist Bernardi Roig is the homage that the Province of Milan in collaboration with the Triennale di Milano decided to make to the city to remember all the victims of terrorism and massacres and settle a shared memory.
The sculpture was inaugurated on July 27, 2008 , the anniversary of the explosion of the car bomb in via Palestro , was initially placed in the gardens of Palazzo Isimbardi waiting for his permanent home .
The choice of the present site was decided by a citizen consultation during which nearly 5,000 people in the metropolitan area have expressed their vote to decide if the sculpture were to stay in the garden of Palazzo Isimbardi or be moved outside , in the space in front of the headquarters of the Province where is now.
I recently visitedthe exhibition ofDe Falco,in a space madeavailable by thefashion labelLesCopains. ProbablyI can not appreciatemodern art and, looking atthe artist whostirredyarnsof different sizeson thenaked bodiesof the models,I wanted to laugh. All thisinspires mea question: "It will be ajack ass?"
Here's anothermessage with an attachmentthat I receivedby e-mailon my websiteMagicollection. It read:Hellobaby I wantto meet youand I wantyou to do mea portrait.As you can seeI haveplenty ofmoney.I am the leaderof mygangand I wantto puta picturein my living roomwhere everyone can seeandadmire it. Tell mehow tomeetand realize thepainting. The appearance islittle to recommend it,definitelybetter to forget.....and do notrespond.